Website No Longer Updated/Monitored
Greetings everyone,
This site is no longer being updated, and TAG Boston no longer holds regular meetings or events. If you wish to connect with educators in the Boston area doing equity-oriented activist work, please reach out to our listserv:
CANCELED DUE TO COVID: Announcing the 10th Annual BESJ Conference!
Conference Theme: To Thrive, Not Survive
“We must demand the impossible and employ radical imagination focused on intersectional justice through community building and grassroots organizing†(– Dr. Bettina Love)
Date/location: 5.16.20 at The Dearborn
Conference website:
Consider leading a workshop this year!
We are now accepting Workshop Proposals.
Proposals due March 20
Presenters will be notified by March 31
How else can I be involved?
Fill out our Volunteer Form!
To Thrive, Not Survive
- To thrive means student voice and community input are guiding decision making; not just another checked box
- To thrive means inclusion done right; not done cheap
- To thrive means relevant, affirming, student-centered learning; not testing
- To thrive means students are safe and secure in their bodies, homes and communities; not surveilled in the name of safety
- To thrive means all students and families are able to live in safe, quality, affordable homes; not pushed out for profit
- To thrive means all students and their families are connected with the resources they need; not tracked based on what they have
- To thrive means Educators of Color are recruited, hired, and supported; not tokenized
“To want freedom is to welcome struggle. This idea is fundamental to abolitionist teaching. We are not asking for struggle; we just understand that justice will not happen without it.†(Dr. Bettina Love)
We will win together.
Resources for Dawnland
As promised, here is the follow up about the film. The filmmakers who joined us this evening, Adam Mazo and Dr. Mishy Lesser, are CC’d on this email, so you can grab their contact info from there if you want to contact them directly. The website for the film is here:Â
The teacher’s guide is here:Â
As Adam and Mishy told us this evening, the film will be shown on television all over the country on Monday, November 5 at 10pm on PBS Independent Lens and then, for the entire month of November following that, will be available for streaming here:Â
In addition, TAG Boston is an ongoing, ever-growing network and community of teachers, educators, community members, parents, and activists working for social justice inside and outside our schools. We have a listserv for sharing thoughts and important news; in the next week or so, we will add everyone who signed in tonight to our email list. If you don’t want to be added, just reply to this message and let us know! We also have a Facebook group:Â https://www.facebook.
***VENUE CHANGE*** Annual BBQ & Film Showing MOVED TO BTU HALL
***IMPORTANT*** Due to the predicted weather tomorrow (Wed., Aug 22), we have moved this event inside to the Boston Teachers Union Hall (180 Mt. Vernon Street, Dorchester, MA 02125).
Directions here:Â
The event will still be held tomorrow, Wednesday, Aug. 22, and doors to the BTU Hall will open at 5PM with the film, “Dawnland”, showing at approximately 7pm. We’re thrilled to have two of the filmmakers introducing the film, Mishy Lesser and Adam Mazo.
Free pizza will be served but feel free to bring a potluck dish (no obligation, of course).
Invite others through the Facebook event.
Mark your calendars and register for the BESJ Conference (Apr. 7)
The 2018 conference is organized by a coalition of teachers, students, community activists, and organizers. This conference is the result of a collaboration between The Boston-area Educators for Social Justice and TAG Boston, who came together in 2011 and merged to plan a conference which would convene educators, activists, students and interested others and create a network of people interested in energizing education with a social justice practice. This is our eighth annual conference. Contact the planning group at:Â besjinfo@gmail.comÂ
Register here:Â
Printable flier:Â BESJ-2018
Next 2018 BESJ Conference planning meeting – WEDNESDAY (2/7) from 4:30-6:30 at Fenway HS
We’re holding our next planning meeting for the 2018 Annual Boston-area Educators for Social Justice (BESJ) Conference next Wednesday (2/7) from 4:30-6:30 at Fenway High School (2018 host). Open to all, including youth. We hope to see you there!
#BlackLivesMatterAtSchool Week of Action is February 5-10!
TAG Boston stands in solidarity with students, families, educators, and other community members around the country by endorsing and participating in the national week of action to declare and demonstrate unequivocally that Black Lives Matter at School. You can find more information about the action here. Please also explore these resources provided by the Boston Teachers Union. Finally, please read this statement in support of Black Lives Matter in School signed by educators, authors, athletes, and other activists around the country. #
8th Annual BESJ Conference Now Accepting Proposals; Due Feb 24
Click here to submit:Â
Click here to learn more about the conference:Â
Next 2018 BESJ Conference planning meeting – NEXT WEDNESDAY (1/10) from 4:30-6:30 at Fenway HS
2017 Annual TAG Boston Summer BBQ, Aug 31 6-10

Teacher Activist Group-Boston invites you to join us for our annual summer BBQ!
Bring lawn chairs and blankets because at dusk we will screen “Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America.” Based on the book by Democracy Now! co-host Juan González, this film reveals the direct connection between the long history of U.S. intervention in Latin America and immigration to the U.S. today. More information on the film is available at: http://
This event is generously hosted at the home of TAG-Boston co-founder Jose Lopez and former BPS educator Derrick Evans.
If you can bring something to eat and share, please do!
Facebook Event Details: feel free to invite others