Category Archives for English Language Learners

What Would it Take to Close the Opportunity Gap?

TAGBoston is cosponsoring an event presented by the Latin American Law Students Association on the issue of closing the opportunity gap. The event will feature three prominent legal and educations scholars as well as prominent  local respondents who will discuss the … Continue reading

14. January 2012 by Cacique13
Categories: Curricula, English Language Learners, Events of Interest, Policy, Student Assignment, TAG Events | Leave a comment

Civil Rights Complaint Filed Against Boston Public Schools

Filed on January 25th, 2011, by the Black Educators’ Alliance of Massachusetts and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law of the Boston Bar Association, the complaint alleges that the school department’s plan to close and merge schools is … Continue reading

07. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: English Language Learners, Local News, School Closings | Leave a comment