
To contribute to TAG Boston’s resource listing, please send an email to

Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Resources:

YPAR Curricula and Other Resources:
Institute for Community Research’s YPAR Curriculum
Youth Engaged in Learning about Leadership (YELL) Handbook
Berkeley YPAR Hub
Research Hub for Youth Organizing
Collective Action Toolkit
BPS 8th Grade Civics in Action Curriculum
What is YPAR? from the Youth Activism Project
Boston Arts Academy Student Research and Teacher Resources (here; here)
Transformative Student Voice
Rethink New Orleans
Public Science Project (NYC)
Youth Activism Project
A Guide to Facilitating YPAR
Social Justice High’s Fire Project (Chicago)
We Charge Genocide
Youth Participatory Evaluation (Michigan)
Free Child Youth Consulting
Youth Research Lab (Toronto)
YPAR in School: The City is our Campus (Cleveland)

YPAR Books:
Doing Young Participatory Action Research
PAR EntreMundos
Just Research in Contentious Times
Youth Activism in an Era of Income Inequality
Active Learning
Growing Critically Conscious Teachers
Revolutionizing Education
The Art of Critical Pedagogy (Ch. 6)
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Ch. 3)

YPAR Videos:
VOYCE (Voices of Youth in Chicago Education)
Polling for Justice

Other YPAR examples (thank you to Dr. Gretchen Brion-Meisels for putting together this list and sharing it with us):

The Mestizo Arts & Activism Project. (
Sound Out (
Cultural Organizing Blog (
Youth on Board (
Research for organizing (
Adam Fletcher’s website (
Gardner Center @ Stanford, YELL Curriculum (
Youth Activism Project (
Center for Youth Voice @ WKCD ( 

Publications for Teachers
Education Week
Rethinking Schools
Teaching Tolerance
Indy Kids
The Teaching Pulse 

Social Justice Teacher Networks (National)
National Network of Teacher Activist Groups
Association of Raza Educators – CA
Educators’ Network for Social Justice (ENSJ) – WI
New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCORE) – NY
Teacher Action Group – PA
Teacher Advocacy Group NYC (TAGNYC) – NY
Teachers 4 Social Justice – CA
Teachers for Social Justice (TSJ) – IL

Professional Development and Tools for Teachers (Curriculum, Lesson Planning, etc.)
Better Lesson
The City School
Critical  Explorers
Facing History and Ourselves Events
Primary Source Events
Understanding Prejudice Tools for Teachers
Understanding Race Tools for Teachers

Teaching for Change

Zinn Education Project

Community-Based Advocacy Groups (Massachusetts)
Boston Parents Organizing Network (BPON)
Coalition for Equal Quality Education (CEQE)
Union of Minority Neighborhoods (UMN)
Boston Student Advisory Council (BSAC)
Boston Youth Service Network (BYSC)

Education Policy (Massachusetts)
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Organizations of Interest (Massachusetts)
Center for Law and Education
Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School Events
Community Change, Inc. Events
National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest)
Gaston Institute
at UMASS Boston Events
Institute on Urban Health Research at Northeastern University
Sub/Urban Justice

Education Reform Campaigns and Activism (National)
Dignity in School Campaign
National Coalition on School Diversity
Not Waiting for Superman
Broader Bolder Approach to Education

Organizations of Interest (National)
The Century Foundation (Education Page)
Critical Exposure
Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA)
Economic Policy Institute (Education Page)
Education for Liberation Network
Everyday Democracy
The Frameworks Institute (Education Page)
Growing Roses in Concrete
New York Performance Standards Consortium
Tom Mooney Institute for Teacher and Union Leaders
Children’s Defense Fund

University Based Research and Advocacy Centers (National)
Center for Cities and Schools, University of California, Berkeley
Institute on Race & Poverty at the University of Minnesota Law School
Institute for Research on Education Policy & Practice, Stanford University
Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at the Ohio State University
National Education Policy Center (NEPC), University of Colorado at Boulder

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