How Can You Participate as a Member of TAG Boston?
One of the ways you can contribute as a member of Teacher Activist Group Boston is to be a part of or facilitate an Inquiry to Action Group or ItAG. These will be kicking off during our June 15th meeting, but it’s never too soon to start thinking about a topic for an ItAG that might interest you (email to get involved). We are going to use a similar format to the ItAGs that are run by NYCoRE. You can read more about what an ItAG is and how NYCoRE makes it happen below.
Summary Written by NYCoRE (Re-Posted from education for liberation network)
An ItAG is similar to a study group, but the goal is that after the group inquires into a particular topic, its members will together create action around their area of study, making it a true community of praxis. The topics and themes are always consistent with our points of unity. Educators and allies such as teaching artists, organizers, high school students and activists participate in ItAGs, linking social justice issues with classroom practice.
Step 1
In the fall NYCoRE core leaders brainstorm potential topics for ItAGs and consult with members at open events, narrowing the list to about four or five topics. Sometimes these topics arise from issues raised in ongoing NYCoRE events, such as teachers voicing their concern about discipline policies in schools. Other times we identify powerful and dynamic members of the network and ask them if there is a topic they would like to facilitate. Now that we have many years of experience with ItAGs, we have several popular topics, such as integrating social justice into the mainstream curriculum, that we are able to offer every year.
To read about steps 2 – 6 click HERE