Blog Archives

What Would it Take to Close the Opportunity Gap?

TAGBoston is cosponsoring an event presented by the Latin American Law Students Association on the issue of closing the opportunity gap. The event will feature three prominent legal and educations scholars as well as prominent  local respondents who will discuss the … Continue reading

14. January 2012 by Cacique13
Categories: Curricula, English Language Learners, Events of Interest, Policy, Student Assignment, TAG Events | Leave a comment

Conference Slideshow Video

Thank you to all of the workshop facilitators, speakers, volunteers and participants from this year’s conference. More than 200 participants attended the first conference for social justice educators held at the Curley K-8 School in Jamaica Plain on May 21, … Continue reading

12. June 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Contribute to a Publication on a Day in the Life of a Teacher

TAGBoston is supporting, and contributing to, the efforts of a group of active and retired Boston Public Schools (BPS) teachers who are concerned about the current attacks on our profession, from President Obama’s support of charter schools and merit pay … Continue reading

20. April 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: "A Day in the Life" | Leave a comment

1st Annual Social Justice Educators Conference for Boston-area educators

Date: Saturday, May 21st, 2011 Event Name: Social Justice Educators’ Conference for Boston Area Educators Sponsor: Boston area Educators for Social Justice & Teacher Activist Group (TAG) Boston Type of Event: Conference Location: Curley K-8 School Time: 10:00 AM – … Continue reading

14. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: Curricula, Events of Interest, Local News, TAG Events | 1 comment

Logo Contest for Students-Cash Award

Calling all student artists! TAGBoston needs a logo to put on the website. (To download a PDF version of the flyer to post in your school click here.) CONTEST INFO Entries Due: Friday, April 1, 2011 Award: $50 and recognition on Website … Continue reading

11. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: TAG Events | Leave a comment

President Obama to Visit TechBoston

President Barack Obama, joined by Melinda Gates, will be visiting  TechBoston in Dorchester today, a school where over 80% of it’s students receive free or reduced lunch and is overflowing with private invenstment. The White House issued a press release … Continue reading

08. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: Local News, National News | Leave a comment

Civil Rights Complaint Filed Against Boston Public Schools

Filed on January 25th, 2011, by the Black Educators’ Alliance of Massachusetts and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law of the Boston Bar Association, the complaint alleges that the school department’s plan to close and merge schools is … Continue reading

07. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: English Language Learners, Local News, School Closings | Leave a comment

Video on School Closings

Boston filmmaker Robert Lamothe has condensed more than 20 hours of testimony on school closings into a short video called “TEACH: The People Behind the Curtain, What’s Happening to Our Public Schools.” View the video here. Share your thoughts!

06. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: Local News, Policy, School Closings | Leave a comment

Event: Education for Liberation Network Conference

Date: July 7-10, 2011 Event Name: Free Minds Free People Sponsor: Education for Liberation Network Type of Event: Conference Location: Providence, RI Time: n/a Event Website: Free Minds, Free People is a national conference presented by the Education for … Continue reading

05. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: Events of Interest | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Event: Critical Race Studies in Education Annual Conference

  Date: May 19-21, 2011 Event Name: “And liberty & Justice for All? Race and the politics of education reform and public policy” Sponsor: Critical Race Studies in Education Association Type of Event: Annual Conference Location: San Antonio, TX Time: … Continue reading

05. March 2011 by Cacique13
Categories: Events of Interest | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

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