Four Opportunities to Support Tucson’s MAS Program

Sean Arce — co-founder and former director of Tucson’s Mexican American Studies program — is coming to Worcester and Boston to speak about the current situation in Tucson and to raise funds for the Raza Defense Fund.  There are four opportunities to see him this weekend and into Monday.  Here is the info on the events:

  • Saturday (11/3) — Community Change, Inc., 14 Beacon Street, Boston, 1st floor — see details below and please email Myrna to RSVP (

31. October 2012 by RK
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TAG Boston Educators of Color Social Gathering

Just a quick reminder that the first TAG-Boston Educators of Color Social Gathering is tomorrow!
Come meet other progressive educators of color from the Boston area:

TAG-Boston Educators of Color Social Gathering
This Friday! October 26th
4-7 PM
Canary Square
435 South Huntington Avenue Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Hope to see you there and please help spread the word!

25. October 2012 by RK
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October TAG Boston General Meeting


Please mark your calendars for our October general meeting, which will take place next Friday, October 19 from 4-7pm in the back room of Doyle’s Cafe in Jamaica Plain, across the street from English High.  For the first hour or so, we will have a meet-and-greet social similar to our September meeting.  Then, around 5pm, we’ll let you know about some amazing upcoming events that TAGB is sponsoring and provide an open forum for folks to share any other upcoming events, opportunities for activism, etc.  Then, for the last hour or so, we’ll just have some fun with other like-minded educators and activists, because it is Friday after all.  Hope to see you there, and bring a friend or two!


12. October 2012 by RK
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Host a Precious Knowledge House Party

Check out a Documentary Bucket to host your Precious Knowledge House Party! Friday, October 12th is a National Day to support the Ethnic Studies Battle. All across the country Precious Knowledge screenings are going to be held in family rooms, community centers, and schools to raise awareness and funds. We are launching a TAG Boston documentary lending library and you can check out a Precious Knowledge screening bucket!

What’s in the kit?

1. copy of the documentary to borrow for one week
2. materials to copy/handout including:
–>guiding discussion questions for the documentary
–>guidance on fundraising for the cause
–>further resources/references on the topic
3. a popcorn inspired cup for raising money that day. Make a donation here.
4. a complimentary couple bags of popcorn!
5. materials to copy/handoutIf you are interested in hosting a Precious Knowledge screening, there are 5 buckets available to be checked out. Contact: (Swati Mehta) for more details.

30. September 2012 by RK
Categories: TAG Events | Leave a comment

Report on BPS School Choice Plans

According to researchers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Boston Public Schools’ proposed student assignment plans do not address inequitable access to high quality schools and, in fact, make the situation worse.

Read more:

Direct link to the executive summary and reports:


29. September 2012 by RK
Categories: Research and/or Articles, Resources, School Closings, Student Assignment, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Announcing Upcoming Events for Your Calendar

Diversity, Teacher Voice, and Public Dialogue: An evening with Kevin Kumashiro and Bree Picower: Thursday, October 4th, Gutman Conference Center, 6 Apian Way, Cambridge. Download flier here.

Join the National Movement and Host a Film Screening of Precious Knowledge: Host a house party – All across on the country on October 12th folks will be gathering for community screenings of the film Precious Knowledge. Think about hosting your own. More info here.

Lessons Learned from the Chicago Teacher’s Union: Wednesday October 17th, 6-8pm, Boston Teacher’s Union Hall, 180 Mount Vernon Street, Dorchester.

Roger Williams University 2nd Annual Urban Education Conference: Saturday October 16th. Click here for more information and to register for the conference.

SAVE ETHNIC STUDIES: Tucson Freedom Coalition Conference, A Revolutionary Praxis of Hope: November 1st – 3rd, Tucson, Arizona. For facebook page click here.

El Movimiento Conference: Fight the Power – Youth Fight Back: Time and location to be announced. Look for updates here.

16. September 2012 by RK
Categories: Events of Interest, TAG Events, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Video and Pics from the Busing/Desegregation BBQ and Film Screening

Short slide show from the August 16th event. If you missed this make sure to come to our next BBQ/Potluck event on September 9th. Details by clicking here and flier here.


26. August 2012 by RK
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Citizens for Public Schools 30th Anniversary Lecture Ft. Jonathan Kozol

When: Wednesday September 19th, 7:30 PM

Where: The Memorial Church, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138

Come share your thoughts and experiences with Jonathan and your colleagues. Come refuel your passion and energy for the battles ahead to protect and improve public education and support teachers’ professionalism and autonomy.

CPS has been fighting for excellent and equitable public education for 30 years. We dedicate this fall’s 30th Anniversary Mary Ann Hardenbergh Lecture to Kozol and all the educators who have been inspired to give each and every child the education they deserve.

24. August 2012 by RK
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On the Ground in Tuscon: Back to School BBQ/Potluck

Note: There has been a venue change

When: September 9th, 2012, 12-3pm

Where: New Venue: 36 Tower Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 - Tower street across from Forest Hills Stop Orange line; car parking available next to T stop as well.

Please Join us for food and presentation by activists who were on the ground in Tucson, AZ this past summer for the ethnic studies struggle. Community dialogue will follow.

Download and distribute the flier by clicking here

18. August 2012 by RK
Categories: TAG Events | Leave a comment

Video of the 2nd Annual Boston-area Educators for Social Justice Conference, May 19th, 2012

Long overdue pictures and video clips of the 2012 conference produced by TAG Boston. For more info on the conference click here. Special thanks to students from English High who shot the video!

17. August 2012 by RK
Categories: Events of Interest, TAG Events | Leave a comment

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